Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Founding Fathers

When you think of the Founding Fathers, the common names George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin often come to mind. What many people don't realize, is there were many more significant people besides them that helped make America free and independent. Even more than this, there were many women and minorities that contributed to this change. The women and minorities males that I am going to talk about in this paper show true drive, determination, and passion. These people prove that it doesn't matter what your gender or race is for you to make a difference and have extraordinary triumphs.There were countless women throughout history whose actions and sacrifices helped to establish our independence. The first story of these brave women is about Molly Pitcher in the Revolutionary War. From a young age, Mary Ludwig, nicknamed Molly, had wanted to be a soldier. This goal was looked down upon in girls, and would have been expected from a man or boy. She grew up on a farm , and in any weather condition, would be found outside working hard. This sense of determination gave Molly strength, and the ability to do whatever she attempted quickly and efficiently.Wanting to utilize this quality usefully, she went to live with a family friend, assisting her in household work. Molly then learned how to use her hand for anything, but her need for helping was not yet fulfilled. Molly eventually married a comrade, John Hayes, who joined the Continental army when the battle of Lexington began. Proudly, Molly stood by her husband excited that he was able to serve his country. On January 3, 1777, the Continental army fought the British at Trenton, loosing thirty men, and then retreating to Morristown, New Jersey.When she was aware of this, she went to the fields to make sure there were no hurt men. Unfortunately, she found a wounded soldier, but was able to nurse him back to health. When June occurred, temperatures began to rise, scorching the fighters. Because of t he heat and long hours of fighting on June 28, 1778, many of the man's tongues became swollen, and their bodies became exhausted. Molly decided to spend her time through the blistering heat going back and forth carrying water to the soldiers. â€Å"Molly Pitcher! † was a frequent exclamation they would say, thankful to see the water.The heat did get to her husband, causing him to pass out, but Molly was right by his side to help him in any way possible. Since her husband was not able to use the cannon, Molly took his place, loading and firing the gunner. The courageous acts displayed by Molly played an important part of the soldiers' victory. General Washington praised her, and even awarded her â€Å"one of his gallant men†. Sticking by her husband's side, fighting for him when he couldn't, and even bringing water for the thirsty soldiers were valiant acts Molly portrayed.Molly was a prominent part in this battle and earned a spot in American history. One year later an other brave female helped gain America its independence, Penelope Barker. Back in their time, women were expected to stay home, cook, clean, and take care of their family. Penelope lived with her husband in North Carolina. Unlike how female were supposed to act, Penelope had a mind of her own and was interested and engaged in politics. Even though her husband was an agent of the English crown, Penelope believed that England had gone too far with the Tea Act of 1773.Once she learned about the Boston Tea Party, Penelope decided to have her own. Door to door Penelope went speaking with and convincing other women to boycott all British tea and clothing. Penelope was able to convince fifty other women to attend a meeting he held on October 25, 1774. By the end of the meeting, they wrote a letter proclaiming about their boycott, signed it, and published it in a London newspaper. The better known Boston Tea Party was conducted by men, wearing costumes to protect their identity, yet she rej ected the notion of hiding and instead made it public.Penelope Barker went on to say, â€Å"Maybe it has only been men who have protested the king up to now. That only means we women have taken too long to let our voices be heard. We are signing our names to a document, not hiding ourselves behind costumes like the men in Boston did at their tea party. The British will know who we are. † This turned into the first women’s political activity in colonial American History. She took a stand in what she believed in and did something about it. Once this reached the newspaper in London, it received a lot of negative feedback.The crown did not take the women colonists seriously, and many citizens laughed at their attempts. Because women's views on matters politic were not considered worthy of consideration, the British laughed and their cartoonist's had a fun day being able to make fun of them. Others called the women bad mothers or â€Å"loose† women. This shortly stop ped though, when other women in the colonies started to boycott the goods and listening to what these ladies had to say. More and more people started to join and boycott which eventually got the crown’ attention.Although this movement may not seem like a huge deal, we have Penelope Barker to thank for advancing the cause of women’s rights to engage in politics, and gaining more independence. Stepping out of the norm, and doing what you believe is right is the most courageous act. By making a petition and boycott, Penelope was able to bring attention to something that wasn’t right with America. Sybil Ludington is the next American female hero on the list. It was 1977 and America was fighting with England to claim our independence. As she was lying in bed, she was wishing there was something she could do to help the cause.She already used spun wool instead of England’s fabric, and refused to drink the English tea. Sybil felt as if that was all women were do ing, and she wanted to do more. From outside she heard someone yelling, â€Å"Colonel Ludington! Colonel Ludington! The British are burning Danbury, Sir! You must gather your men and march against the British! † Sybil’s father then said that their supplies were in Danbury, so all their weapons would be destroyed and they would need to muster the men. Sybil already knew that the men in her father’s militia lived in farms scattered all over the country, being released from their duty to spring plant.They needed to be called out to form their fighting unit. Sybil offered to help and to go get the men since she knew the roads but her father said that it would be far too dangerous, that she could be attacked. As she pleaded that she really wanted to help, that there was no one else to do it her father saw the determination and strength in her and let her go. As Sybil started to leave on her horse, Star, the sky was bright red, meaning the British were currently burni ng Danbury. Her father gave her detailed instructions right before she left to take a stick and knock on the men’s farmhouse doors with it.He also told her to go as far south as Mahopac Falls and then north to Stromyville. Finally she was off, and started at Alder place charging up to the farmhouses, yelling that the British were burning Danbury and where to meet. As Sybil went from farmhouse to farmhouse it was also continuously raining, resulting in her getting drenched. Also at one point she had to fight off a â€Å"highway man†. Finally, she reached all of her destinations, a distance of 40 miles and gathered all 400 men to her father. At the time Sybil Ludington was only 16 years old.Her sense of stability, audacity, and determination was enough to get 400 of her father’s men to fight in the war. If it wasn’t for her, there would be no men, and America would have lost the war. Sybil significantly impacted the result of that war, which is what caused us to become free. The last female who helped participate in the Revolutionary War and earn America independence was Deborah Sampson. From a young age, she learned to work hard because her father died, and her mother sent her away to work on a farm. Deborah was best known for her eagerness to learn, begging her new family to teach her anything the boys knew.One of her passions was to help the men in the Revolutionary War, although this seemed impossible because girls were not allowed to fight. Disregarding that rule, Deborah dressed up like a man called â€Å"Robert† and became a soldier at the age of 19. Her dedication, braveness, and willingness to sign up for dangerous missions, made the other soldiers proud of her, and landed her a spot to be an aide for the general. When Deborah was sent to West Point, New York, she got wounded in the leg. She didn't tell anyone and tended the wounds herself so no one would find out her secret.After serving another eighteen months and a few battles at West Point, she was wounded again, and her identity was discovered by the doctor. On October 25, 1783, Deborah was â€Å"honorably discharged† from the army. Although this was discouraging, she received a letter from Paul Revere , granting her a pension. On January 20, 1792, Massachusetts General Court recognized Deborah as a hero. They decided that she did â€Å"perform the duty of a soldier† and exhibited extraordinary heroism. It didn't matter what gender, Deborah Sampson was a faithful, gallant soldier that impacted America in a huge way.Besides just women who helped in making America independent and free, there were minorities. The actions of black men for our nation’s founding have often been ignored. There were many slaves who joined the army to gain their freedom, but there were thousands of other African Americans who served America just because it was the right thing to do and we as a nation needed it. These hero’s deeds are no le ss important than any white man’s deeds. They have also fought and died, held office, wrote in support of independence, and led their communities. There were many black men, about 12,00- 15,00 that became soldiers in the American Revolution.They fought in an integrated army. By 1779, fifteen percent of the Continental Army was black, getting to fight in the first Battle of Lexington and Concord, and the last battle at Yorktown. Besides integrated units, there were three all black units: Rhode Island First regiment, the Black Bucks of America, and Volunteer Chasseurs. Caesar Augustus was enlisted in the Continental Army at the age of 14. He was of mixed race and from Dorchester, Massachusetts. Augustus was able to serve the entire length of the war. For the first two years he spent in the service of an officer but then he reenlisted to be able to fight.Although Augustus didn’t do anything extraordinary, he was an African American who fought in the war, and eventually di ed fighting for our country. Another African American was Cyrus Bustill. He was born in 1732, with his father being a lawyer but his mother being a slave. Since the child takes the mother’s job, he had to be a slave. Cyrus was trained how to bake and once he got his freedom at the age of 36, he helped out by making bread for the solider. It was something that the soldiers during the American Revolution needed. George Washington even gave his a silver piece and commended him for his service.Cyrus also became a member of the Free African Society. Next was Prince Hall. He was the slave of William Hall, a Boston Family. A month after the Boston Massacre, he was freed by his master and worked as a peddler, caterer and leather dresser. He eventually served in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Hall was able to supply leather drum heads to the Continental Army. Before the war even began he joined the British Army Lodge of Masons, and once the British retreated they took over. It was the fir st African America Lodge, and was named after Hall. He became one of Boston’s most prominent citizens and a leader in the black community.Prince Hall was able to speak out against slavery and the rights of blacks. Because of the lack of schools for black children, he set one up in his own home. He also in 1797 spoke out against violence. â€Å" How, at such times, are we shamefully abused, and that to such a degree, that we may truly be said to carry our lives in our hands, and the arrows of death are flying about our heads†¦tis not for want of courage in you, for they know that they dare not face you man for man, but in a mob, which we despise†¦Ã¢â‚¬  During a harsh winter at Valley Forge, there was a new regiment created, the Rhode Island First.This was made up of all African Americans, 125 men, some were free and some were enslaved. Their first fight was at the Battle of Newport in 1778, resulting in the Continental Army forcing to retreat. The regiment put its elf between the retreating Americans and the British and were able to hold the line when the British attacked, causing the British to have many casualties. These men’s bravery helped save many lives not only there, but in other battles like the Battle of Croton River. Eventually, there was a statue in honor of the Black soldiers. It read, â€Å"?When the Constitution of the United States was framed, colored men voted in a majority of these States; they voted in the State of New York, in Pennsylvania, in Massachusetts, in Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware and North Carolina; and long after the adoption of the Constitution, they continued to vote in North Carolina and Tennessee also. The Constitution of the United States makes no distinction of color. † These men that I have mentioned above risked their own lives to help make America free. Sometimes when we hear the big named, popular people, we tend to forget about everyone else that was involved. Top of F orm

Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy Essay

â€Å"Balanced Scorecard† is the tool for motivating and measuring business unit performance with four perspectives – financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth. These days, it becomes so complicated and complex to navigate competitive environment, thus some people figured out that balanced scorecard could be used as the tool for linking multiple strategies. It contains both financial and non-financial measures. It was revealed that the measure should include both outcome measures and the performance drivers of those outcomes. It turns out that there are strategic measures for the four perspectives each. First of all, Financial performance measures define the long-run objectives of the business unit. Business units can be categorized into three different stages simply – rapid growth, sustain, and harvest. During rapid growth stage, businesses make rational amount of investments to develop and enhance new products and services. During sustain stage, they still attract investment and reinvestment, furthermore they are demanded to earn magnificent returns on their invested capital. During harvest stage, they only focus on maximizing cash flow back to the corporation rather than investment. Moreover, there are financial themes that can be linked to the strategies – revenue growth and mix, cost reduction/productivity improvement, and asset utilization/investment strategy. Secondly, in the Customer perspective, managers identify the customer and market segments. It includes customer satisfaction, customer retention, new customer acquisition, customer profitability, and market and account share in targeted segments. Customer retention defines that retaining existing customers in the segment is the way for maintaining or increasing market share in targeted segments. Customer acquisition identifies acquiring new customers as the way. Customer satisfaction is the matter of meeting customers’ needs and it is the measurement of the feedback. Customer profitability means that businesses want to measure not only the satisfaction of the customer, but also the profitability that customers can evoke. Thirdly, in Internal Business Process perspective, executives identify the critical internal processes in which the organization must excel. It enables business unit to deliver on the value propositions of customers in targeted market segments, and to satisfy shareholder expectations of excellent financial returns. On the other hand, it means there are the process that customer need turned into customer need satisfaction through innovation cycle, operations cycle, and post-sale service cycle. Fourthly, in Learning & Growth perspective, it identifies the infra-structure that the organization has to build to create long-term growth and improvement. It comes from three sources that people, systems, and organizational procedures. As I mentioned above, it has been the trend to link and mix multiple scorecard measures into a single strategy. The multiple measures on a properly constructed balanced scorecard should consist of a linked series of objectives and measures that are both consistent and mutually reinforcing. The scorecard should incorporate the complex set of cause-and-effect relationships, outcomes & performance drivers and linked to financial. Cause and effect relationships can be expressed by a sequence of if-then statements and pervade all four perspectives of balanced scoreboard. It can be described as the process â€Å"employee skills(learning & growth)→process quality/process cycle time(internal) →on-time delivery→customer loyalty(customer) →ROCE(financial)†. Outcomes and performance drivers reflect the common goals of many strategies, as well as similar structures across industries and companies. Therefore, a good balanced scoreboard should have a mix of core outcome measures and performance drivers, that’s why businesses care both outcomes and performance drivers. Even though the strategy should have to emphasize both financial and non-financial measures, in the sense of improving business unit performance, we have to consider financial measures little bit more. Ultimately, causal paths from all the measures on a scorecard should be linked to financial objectives. In conclusion, the balanced scorecard is more than a collection of financial and non-financial measurements. It is the translation of the business unit’s strategy into a linked set of measures that identify both the long-term strategic objectives, as well as the mechanisms for achieving and obtaining feedback on those objectives. This thesis could be applied on the Metro Bank case and National Insurance Company case.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Disco Demolition Night

On the eve July 12, 1979, at Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois, the double-header game was about to begin between the White Sox and the Detroit Tigers. However, it was not the baseball game that took the limelight that evening as along with the said baseball game was a promotional event dubbed, â€Å"Disco Demolition Night† spearheaded by WDAI Disk Jockeys Steve Dahl and Garry Meier who were both against the proliferation of Disco music which was then considered to be minority music as promoted by the blacks.Other than this, the two jockeys also reasoned out that disco was causing the demise of rock and roll and consequently, the cancellation of the rock and roll show of both of these jockeys from the airwaves. The event was meant to jack up ticket sales for the baseball game as well as make a statement against disco music as it promised tickets to the game for only 98 cents if the spectators brought with them old disco records in exchange.The management of the White sox felt that the event would be successful in bringing in a big crowd for the game and just as expected, instead of the initial estimates, the crowd swelled up to 90,000, quite too much for the 52,000 seat capacity of the stadium. (Wikipedia) So, the event did not only have the propulsion of the two disk jockeys but the support of the owner of the Red sox himself, Mike Veeck. The event began to become uncontrollable when after the first baseball game; the proponents of the said Disco Demolition Night took to the field and destroyed a huge pile of disco records using explosives.From this point on the crowd became unruly and people from the bleachers went to the field to destroy certain equipment and even steal chunks of the field itself. Television commentators later explained that even before the event began, the air reeked with the smell of marijuana and many people were just walking around as if they were not within themselves. The ruckus broke out into an uncontrollable riot even when t he proponents tried to use the PA system to implore the crowd to settle down.In the end, riot police had to intervene as six people were taken to the hospital for injuries and thirty-nine other were ‘arrested for disorderly conduct. ’ The officials of the Detroit Tigers refused to continue with the second game which was shortly forfeited in their favor on the grounds that the White Sox was not able to provide a suitable venue for the games. (Wikipedia) Bill Veeck, the father of Mike consequently had to face public reaction to the event; Mike was also eventually banned from Major League baseball because as a consequence of the event.Viewing the video of the event on YouTube is a validation of what was initially written in the Wikipedia article. However, the Wikipedia article did not include such details as the interview with Veeck, Dahl and Meier. These interviews revealed the intentions of these individuals in relation to the event gone haywire. Veeck simply said that t he event was a promotional activity which was organized to increase sales for the game while. Dahl, speaking for himself and in behalf of his partner Meier admitted that his purposes for the event stemmed from his dislike of disco music.However, if earlier circumstances are taken into consideration, it has to be argued that even prior to the event; Dahl had lost his rock and roll program because of the growing demand for disco music which was then emerging during that time. Disco music was then associated with the blacks and the underground which all the more made people curious about it. Dahl, in his interview with a television news program explained what he hated about disco music and although he did not directly admit that it had something to do with black culture, it was obvious that the disco patrons that he was describing at the moment were typical of the blacks.(YouTube) The mere fact that Dahl lost his radio show is reason enough for him to develop a grudge for disco music, notwithstanding racist issues that may have been left unspoken as disco, is, as mentioned, originally from the blacks. Another feature that is noticeable in the Wikipedia article when compared to the YouTube video is the fact that in the article injuries were reported. These injuries were not mentioned in the video; in fact the reporter kept on saying that there were no injuries. (YouTube)Obviously, the persons to blame for this particular event are the proponents, but when circumstances are considered, Mike Veeck should get more of the blame because over and above everybody else, he had the power to prevent it as the owner of the White Sox. Dahl was mere instrumental as the event’s organizer and besides, if profit is considered, Veeck would have had profited the most from the event. Nevertheless, all things considered, the people at the stadium were also partly to blame because of the lack of discipline on their part.However, if the claim of the Wikipedia article stating tha t there was a scent of marijuana in the air is considered, then it is possible that the crowd was not in their right mind during the event. In the case of the stadium and its management, such could have been prevented, possibly, if the management ensured that only a number representing the venue’s capacity was allowed into the venue. Since the crowd swelled up to thousands beyond the capacity, then it would have been impossible to control the crowd. The riot police was there when they were needed and need not have been there to begin with if not for the chaotic situation that ensued.All things considered, it is easy to lay the blame on certain individuals but it cannot be denied that such catastrophes cannot just result from a singular source; rather, it is a conglomeration of certain things happening all at the same time, at the right time, and with the right circumstances. Of course, the pointed finger will always single out the proponents, but in any case, they just organi zed the event, perhaps, the only mistake that they committed was their obvious negligence of what could happen, which, by the way, could not be accurately predicted as the facts would show.

Monday, July 29, 2019

IBIS Technology Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

IBIS Technology Corporation - Essay Example A qualified opinion may be expressed for one or more of the following reasons: The auditor has concluded that there are material but not pervasive misstatements with respect to the appropriateness and application of accounting policies as well as the adequacy of disclosures in the financial statements The auditor cannot obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence on which to base an opinion but concludes that the possible effects could be material but not pervasive, including limitations imposed by management; and circumstances beyond the company’s control. There are uncertainties in relation to whether the company would be able to continue to operate as a going concern During the course of an audit it is a requirement that the auditors take into consideration the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern assumption in the preparation of the financial statements. The going concern assumption is a fundamental assumption in the preparation of financial statements. Going concern assumes that the business will continue in operation for the foreseeable future with no intention to liquidate. This type of qualified opinion suggests that the possibility exist that the organization may not be operational in the foreseeable future (BPP 2009). It indicates that there are a number of factors that could give rise to this including declining sales and profits or increasing losses. This is also an indication that an organization may not be able to honor its obligations as they fall due if it cannot generate the level of revenues necessary to do cover its costs and leave some in reserves. Additionally, if an organization continues to make losses thereby eroding reserves it may... During the course of an audit, it is a requirement that the auditors take into consideration the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern assumption in the preparation of the financial statements. The going concern assumption is a fundamental assumption in the preparation of financial statements. Going concern assumes that the business will continue in operation for the foreseeable future with no intention to liquidate. This type of qualified opinion suggests that the possibility exists that the organization may not be operational in the foreseeable future. It indicates that there are a number of factors that could give rise to this including declining sales and profits or increasing losses. This is also an indication that an organization may not be able to honor its obligations as they fall due if it cannot generate the level of revenues necessary to do cover its costs and leave some in reserves. Additionally, if an organization continues to make losses thereb y eroding reserves it may not be able to carry out any major investments or any projects in the form of research and development. In a case where an organization is no longer a going concern, the organization’s noncurrent (fixed) assets are valued at the price they are likely to fetch in a forced sale and their current assets such as stock and debtors will also be discounted to the price they are likely to fetch in a liquidation. This value will be substantially less than the values in the books which assume that the organization is a going concern.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Environment policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environment policy - Assignment Example Initiatives to better preserve this planet, adopting a â€Å"greener† perspective, and taking steps to research and beneficially slow the damage we contribute to the planet is a good thing. There are several things that tend to stand in the way of solid government policies and interventions on this issue. Firstly, many people do not take the concern seriously. They often disregard the topic’s discussions to the ramblings of paranoid conservationists and â€Å"tree huggers.† Others disregard the concerns, founded or not, because the potential, consequential, repercussions of environmental issues will, likely, not culminate into anything serious enough to affect day to day living for generations to come; which, overall, could be considered rather selfish and definitely short-sighted. Politically, it is harder to get full support on initiatives because different states have a differing level of economic loss and gain when it comes to environmental policies. Both, Democrats and Republicans, representing states that have heavier fossil fuel productions dispute any legislature and are far less likely to support environmental interventions.("New York Times") Sev eral states have taken upon themselves to implement their own policies and initiatives to encourage a more environmentally conscious and beneficial approaches. Environmental issues are very real, they do matter, and they are worthy of taking seriously in order to preserve this planet that we all live on. In the end, however, it is not an issue simply of states, or individual countries, it is a global issue. But America’s policies, often, set an example for others around the world, perhaps greater action on our part would result in greater responses worldwide. I respect your opinion and I have to say that I agree with you that not everything that leads to planetary damage can be laid solely on the actions of humankind. However, human beings readapt their environments to suit their

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Implications to Operations for Chryslers' Introduction of the Fiat Essay

Implications to Operations for Chryslers' Introduction of the Fiat - Essay Example Chrysler’s plants immediately began working on the new Italian models as part of the deal, and the United States treasury loaned the organization 4.7 billion dollars to begin the project. The Canadian government was also included in the contract and controls 10% of the company. Asa result, Fiat was owned up to 35% of its production, and the United Autoworkers Union owned 55%. The introduction of the Fiat 500 into the United States market was not expected to move adequate units and make a considerable effect on the 1.57 million-unit aim. The Fiat label will have its activities carried out in its individual amenities, making its novel subcompact make additional foot travel to contracts. Another implication of the merger on the operations of Chrysler is the introduction of improved models and the come back of the Fiat label in the United States, on top of new merger brands. The company plots on using up 68% more expenses on promotion and marketing the financial year. This develop ment was evident when Chrysler spent millions of dollars to come up with the longest commercial in Super-bowl history (Bennett, 2011). The renewal of Chrysler provides Fiat with a cushion for Italy’s decline and poor reputation caused by its chief executive. Marchionne's revitalization of the corporation has intensified the company’s anguish in the European markets (Bennett, 2011). In the United States, the dominating development and management assets of Chrysler group have left Fiat with old models. The position has made Italy’s biggest car producer become in need of traditionally unpredictable Chrysler profits. Chrysler might also have to report profits made prior to interest, duties and occasional items worth 1.18 billion dollars during the second half of 2011. In comparison with 629 million dollars from Fiat’s long-established activities, earnings from Ferrari and Maserati models were included in accordance with the standard approximations of six comp any analysts. Trading earnings for the United Chrysler group were consistent with Fiat’s findings from June. Such results were expected to arrive at 2.6 billion dollars by the end of the coming year. In 30 April 2009, Chrysler recorded and proclaimed a merger with Fiat, while filing for insolvency. Independently, the proclamation made the Financial Accountings Standards alter the â€Å"mark-to-market† accounting decree to offer commercial banks more discretion in reporting worth of capital. In Brazil alone, the Fiat group automobiles sustained its management status, delivering a sum of 761, 400 passenger cars and light commercial automobiles. These figures and position of the company will stand for a year-on rise of 1.6% of profits. When the market is taken as a whole market, Chrysler group merger with Fiat marketplace is developing 10.6%; FGA accomplished a 22.8% share of the year, which is a negative 1.7% of percentage points in the market share (Bennett, 2011). The revitalization at Chrysler has assisted Marchionne to triumph over financial speculators to his advantage and make a worldwide automobile group rivaling Volkswagen. The shares have decreased by 40% in the past three months. This was recorded as one of the worst performances in the Bloomberg European automobiles guides, behind France’s PSA Peugeot Citroen. The Chrysler group has been managed under three diverse leaders in the past four years,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Nurse as Educator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nurse as Educator - Essay Example In today's healthcare arena, the unique holistic perspective of nursing practice mandates that nurses possess the knowledge and skills necessary to educate various audiences in a variety of settings with efficiency and effectiveness. The fundamental ideas related to person as caring and nursing as a discipline and profession that serves as the perspective grounding for the theory Nursing as Caring. A new generic understanding of caring or of discipline and profession, but to communicate some of the ideas basic to Nursing as Caring. Caring is an essential feature and expression of being human. The belief that all persons, by virtue of their humanness, are caring establishes the ontological and ethical ground on which this theory is built. Persons as caring are a value which underlies each of the major concepts of Nursing as Caring and is an essential idea for understanding this theory and its complications. Being a person means living caring, and it is through caring that out being and all possibilities are known to the fullest. The concept of nursing situation is central to every aspect of the theory of Nursing as Caring. ... Being a person means living caring, and it is through caring that out being and all possibilities are known to the fullest. NURSING SITUATION AS THE LOCUS OF NURSING The concept of nursing situation is central to every aspect of the theory of Nursing as Caring. The nursing situation is both repository of nursing knowledge, the context for knowing nursing, shared lived experience in which the caring between the nurse and the one nursed enhances personhood. It is to the nursing situation that the nurse brings self as caring person, expressing unique ways of living, attends to calls for caring, creating caring responses that nurture personhood, in the fullness of aesthetic knowing. The nursing situation comes into being when the nurse actualizes a personal and professional commitment to the belief that all persons are caring. It should be recognized that a nurse can engage in many activities in an occupational role that are not necessarily expressions of nursing. When a nurse practices nursing thoughtfully, that nurse if guided by his or her conception of nursing. The concept of nursing formalized in the Nursing as Caring theory is at the very heart of nursing, extending back into the unrecorded beginnings of nursing and forward into the future. Remember that the nursing situation is a construct held by the nurse, any interpersonal experience contains the potential to become a nursing situation. In the formal sense of professional nursing, the nursing situation develops when one person presents self in the role of offering the professional service of nursing and the other presents self in the role of seeking, wanting or accepting

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gender Differences in Smoking Cessation Success Essay

Gender Differences in Smoking Cessation Success - Essay Example Studies show that women are at a higher risk of smoking-related diseases, including lung cancer (Kure et al. 1996; Dally et al. 2003). Research has also shown that cessation among women is more difficult compared to their male counterparts (Perkins 2001; Swan, Ward, Carmelli & Jack 1993; Green, Lynn, & Montgomery 2006; 2008). Possible reasons for gender differences have been suggested by researchers to include women’s concern about weight gain, and increase in negative mood during cessation attempts and a greater need for social support from family and peers (Jensvold, Hamilton, & Halbreich 1996; Hatsukami, Skoog, Allen, & Bliss 1995; Pierce, Lee, & Gilpin 1994; Grunberg, Winders, & Wewers 1991). Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that some studies have failed to identify any significant gender differences in cessation success (Cinciripini et al. 1995; Fortmann & Killen 1995: Killen, Fortmann, Newman, & Varady 1990). In light of these contradictory findings my literature review will focus on the evidence both for and against gender differences in the cessation of smoking in order to gain an insight into the nature of any variations in cessation success. This paper has a whole focuses on the gender differences in smoking cessation success. This paper is divided into executive summary, introduction, methodology, literature review and conclusion. The methodology adopted for the research is qualitative one in which, a detailed literature review will be given to analyze the gender differences in smoking cessation success. For this purpose, a number of books, articles and journals are consulted for collection of suitable information for the review. Some of the writings are left out because of their inadequacy according to the need of the review while others are employed for writing a detailed literature review. â€Å"Current Concept in Adolescent Smoking† by Pletcher and Schwarz is not included in the

Literature Review (Topic may be decided by writer) Research Paper

Literature Review (Topic may be decided by writer) - Research Paper Example This literature review aims to explore the factors that encourage people to recycle. In order to achieve this, I will discuss the findings of a series of waste management reports including Barr et al (2001) who measured a series of reported waste management behaviours, including recycling, re-use and waste minimisation. They concluded that recycling emerged as the most popular sustainable waste management activity, due to the ease of access to recycling facilities. Ebreo and Vining (2000) also claimed that people’s behaviour can be linked to their attitudes, values and perspectives towards the environment, in which people with more positive views towards the environment would recycle more frequently. ... Figure 1 illustrates the TPB and highlights how a combination of subjective norms, attitudes towards recycling behaviour and perceived behavioural control affect social behaviour and the likelihood an individual is to engage in sustainable waste management practices. Tonglet et al (2004) have claimed that the TPB is an effective model in assessing the driving forces behind individual’s waste management behaviours. Figure 1 - The Theory Of Planned Behaviour (TPB) Attitude towards the behaviour Subjective norm Intention Behaviour Perceived behavioural control Adapted from Ajzen (1991) However, research by Barr et al (2001) has concluded that the structure of waste management behaviour is complex and they became dissatisfied with the TPB in explaining waste management behaviour. They suggest that other important factors have been neglected. It is therefore important for research to draw upon several environmental framework models that explain the interaction of different key vari ables and factors. One such framework designed by Barr et al (2005) complements the TPB and is depicted in Figure 2. It seeks to appreciate how different forms of reported environmental action can be predicted. Figure 2 – Environmental Behaviour Model Situational Variables Environmental Values Behavioural Intention Environmental Behaviour Psychological Variables Adapted from Barr et al (2001) The role of three key factors have emerged that have been shown to influence people’s level of commitment to environmental action. These are: The situational circumstances in which individuals are placed The socio-environmental values individuals hold Attitudes towards specific

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Journal on Ch4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal on Ch4 - Essay Example I tend to believe that the module of inquiry-based instruction also enables teachers to make the learning (of science mostly) easy, not only conveying it. It is because the learners are enabled to bear responsibility for their knowledge and understanding of what they study and construct. I strongly agree with the information provided in the chapter, that it is difficult to conduct the analysis of these studies. It is true that the variations in the terms used to define the instructional methods (BSC 2006). I don’t think other contemporary instructional techniques are superior to inquiry-based approaches unless they are evaluated wholly. The assessment of superiority among various instructional techniques should be based on the effectiveness of the variables involved and the level of interest the study mode invokes. The comparison should also involve the feelings of success and the level of excitement each instructional technique awakens. In also have the conviction that inquiry-based instruction technique can contribute significantly to the effectiveness of my teaching. It is for the simple fact that the technique engages both the teacher and the learners in the learning activity and to bear responsibility for making their knowledge and understanding (BSC 2006). Though the inquiry levels may vary, learners can prioritize evidence, compose explanations, evaluate their descriptions, and justify their proposed descriptions. As a teacher, the method is, therefore, helpful in facilitating my teaching

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Applied_Health_Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Applied_Health_Perspectives - Essay Example    "We must guard against the increasing commodification of human life, its tissues and body parts †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦which has the potential to debase human dignity and steer society towards a state where anything goes - if you have the money" Anon, 2010 Analyse the ethical basis of the views expressed in this quotation. Discuss any alternate views which are relevant to the topic and their ethical basis. Conclude by evaluating the effectiveness of any methods used to 'guard against' increasing commodification of human life. You are expected to use illustrative examples throughout and refer to primary literature. Money, money, money: the availability of which opens doors to a lot of possibilities especially in the utilization of human body and/or culture for one’s pleasure. The definition of commodification is based on the Marxist political theory. According to which, anything without a value is given a certain value. This could be anything such as an identity or an idea. This sh ows how with time, the social values have been replaced by market values. Hence, commodification can be defined as the process whereby things are treated as commodities and market trade is expanded to areas that were non-market previously (Stilwell & Argyrous, 2003). Commodification in relation to people is characterized with genetic engineering, cloning, eugenics, social engineering, fascism, social Darwinism, mass marketing and employment. And the most active participants to these forms of human commodification are those with the resources. All these would be discussed further in the following paragraphs. Genetic engineering is referred to the science of manipulating the genetic contents in order to insert genes of desirable traits into the organism. This induction could be done directly to the organism or it could be through an external cell that is permeated with the organism. Genetic engineering does not include traditional breeding of species, and allows man to choose the gene tic traits for its subject. When the genetic content of an organism is added to another host then the resultant is given the name of transgenic. Removing genetic content from an organism is also a part of genetic engineering. Genetic material is the commodity in subject, and when one has the capability and resources to acquire the desired genes the values in human reproduction and childbirth becomes skewed The same holds true for human cloning. Human cloning  can be defined as the process of creating a twin that is a human being who is a copy of another person based on genetics. There is usually not derived from a single fertilized embryonic cell mass. There have been plethoras of ethical outburst related to the concept of cloning. There are two types of human cloning that are discussed more frequently. These are reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning can be described is the development of cloned humans and is considered a crime in many parts of the wor ld, hence, not done legally. The latter, therapeutic cloning is the area of cloning which uses human cells cloning for research and medicine. Another category which is rather novel is the replacement of damaged or failing body with the help of cloning supported by brain transplant. This type of cloning is referred to as replacement cloning. There have been supporters as well as opponents to the concept of cloning. Advocates argue that there is a considerable difference

Monday, July 22, 2019

Les Miserables Essay Example for Free

Les Miserables Essay Les Miserables (the title is the same in French and English) is the most well-known of Victor Hugo’s novels. It describes the miserable life of French workers, and especially their children. Hugo calls for social action to improve the unfortunate poor’s lives. This excerpt describes the character Marius, and how he has worked very hard to succeed in life. Excerpt from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Misery is the same with anything else. As time passes, it gradually becomes bearable. Marius had emerged from the narrow passage of his life; now the path widened out a bit. Through sheer hard work, courage, and a strong will, he had managed to earn around seven hundred francs a year. He had learned English and German. Thanks to Courfeyrac, the man who introduced him to his publisher friend, Marius held a position in the literary department of the publishing house, where he filled the useful role of utility. He wrote prospectuses, translated articles from journals, annotated publications, compiled biographies, and so on. His net gain, year in, year out, was seven hundred francs. He was able to survive on this income. How? Not badly. Here is how he lived. For a yearly rent of thirty francs, Marius lived in a miserable little room without a fireplace in the Gorbeau tenement. There was only a bare minimum of furniture which belonged to him. He paid the old woman who took care of the building a sum three francs a month to sweep his room, and bring him some warm water, a fresh egg, and a small loaf of bread every morning. This egg and bread cost him between two and four cents, because eggs varied in price. At six o’clock in the evening, he went downstairs to eat dinner at Rousseau’s in the Rue Saint Jacques. He had no soup, but he ate a plate of meat for six pennies, half a plate of vegetables for three pennies, and a dessert for the same price. As for bread, he could eat as much as he liked for three pennies, but instead of wine, he drank water. Then he paid at the counter, where Madame Rousseau sat majestically, a large woman with a pleasant face. She would smile as Marius handed the waiter a one penny tip. Then he left the restaurant. For a total of sixteen cents, he got a dinner and a smile. †¦.. Marius had two complete suits, one of them old, that he wore for everyday use, and the other one new, which he wore on special occasions. Both suits were black. He owned only three shirts: the one he had on, another one that was in the bureau drawer, and the third one that was at the laundry woman’s. When they wore out, he replaced them with new ones, but generally, his shirts were ragged, so he buttoned his coat up to his chin. To reach this stage of prosperity, it had taken Marius many hard, difficult years: years of barely getting by, and years of trudging along. He had never once given up. He had struggled and done without, he had been through every hardship, except going into debt. Instead of borrowing money, he went without food. There had been many days of fasting. During all his hard times, he actually felt encouraged, and sometimes he even felt a certain inner strength. In addition to the memory of his father, Marius carried the memory of Thà ©nardier in his heart. He envisioned the man surrounded by a halo, the brave sergeant Thà ©nardier who had saved his father, a colonel, when he found him among the cannon fire and bullets at Waterloo. Marius always kept the memory of this man together with the memory of his father, and he felt great admiration for them both. It was a bit like a form of worship in two steps. The high altar was reserved for his father the colonel, and the low one for Thà ©nardier. His feelings of gratitude for the man were strengthened by the knowledge that Thà ©nardier had suffered a horrible misfortune. Marius found out that as an unlucky innkeeper, Thà ©nardier had gone bankrupt. After learning this, Marius made countless efforts to track down the miserable Thà ©nardier, who had disappeared. Marius blamed and hated himself for not being able to locate him. He felt that the only debt his father had left him was to succeed in finding Thà ©nardier. Marius felt it was his duty to pay him that tribute. â€Å"After all,† he thought, â€Å"when my father lay dying on the battlefield, it was Thà ©nardier who was able to find him through the smoke, and carry him away on his shoulders. Yet he owed Thà ©nardier nothing, whereas I, who owe so much to Thà ©nardier, cannot get to him in his time of darkness and suffering. I cannot, in my turn, restore him to life. Oh! I will find him!†

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Types Of Software Testing Computer Science Essay

Types Of Software Testing Computer Science Essay Software testing gives independent view of the software to which allow the business to understand the risks of implementating the software. The software Test system are not limited to executing a program or application to finding software bugs in existing software or the developed one which has created for customer request. Software Testing can also define as the process of validating and verifying software programe, application and product meets the business requirements which helped to design and developthe software.The most software testing occur when requirements fulfilled and system has developed for execution of programe. Software Testing Team The software testing mostly done by professional software testers. The software tester term was used generally until 1980, but after 1980 the software tester term became a proper separate profession. In software testing there were many roles has been established like,Managers, test lead, test designer, tester and test administrator. Functional Testing The functional testing normally takes test to vereify some specific function of the code and also action of that code.These kind of testing normally found in those documentation of code requirements.The functional testing of software normally takes to answer some following question i.e.user are ables to do thisor does particular part of codeing or feature work. NON Fnctional Testing The Non functional testing normally takes test of software that could not be related to specific function,user security.The Non functional testing normally takes to answer following question for example how many user can log on at once or is it possible to hack this software easly. Software validation and verification: The software testing can take place in association of validation and verification of software. Verification: The verification of software testing means that to know if Software which has developed is that built right.for example it fulfill or match the user requirements or specification of software. Validation: The validation of software means that have we built the right it that software which customer wants to be built. The software Testing Methods The box approach There issoftware testing approach which can taken to perform software testing. The Box approach The box approach manly divide into two parts Black box testing white box testing Black Box Testing The black box testing will treat software as black box,that means this testing will take without knowing any knowledge of internal implementation of software.The Black box testing approach include.fuzz testing,model based testing and specification based testing. Specification-based testing: The specification testing use to test the functionalty of software system according to requirements.The software tester inputs the data and will only be able to see the output on test object.This type of testing normally requires some test cases to provided the tester and the tester can verify that data with given input the output of testing either is or is not same as it was expected . The specification testing is important or necessary but this would not be good for some certain risks. White Box Testing. The white box testing is another method which test the software.The white box testing method is done when the tester has internal access of data structures and programe code that implement .Here is few types of white box testing API Testing Code Coverage Testing Fault Ijection Testing Static Testing API Testing: The API stands for application programming interface .The API testing will test those application which using both public and private API. Code Coverage Tsting:This testing purpose is to test some code coverage.For example The software tester will take test on all programming code to execute once while testing the software. Fault Ijection Testing:This testing purpose is that improve the code coverage. Static testing:In static testing all the testing which took in white box testing is static testing. Testing Levels There are few testing level Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing System Integration Testing Regression Testing Alpha Testing Beta Testing Security Testing Unit Testing:The unit test is takes to test the functionality of some particular section of programe code.This testing normally takeing at functional level of programe.for example In Object Oriented language this testing will be taken at class level,the unit test in object oriented include destructor and constructor.these tests are normally written of those testers who work on coding to make sure that every specific part of codeing is working properly.In this testing there could be many tests taken at one fuction of coding.The only unit testing can not test the functionalty of software.The software works independently.The unit testing also called component testing. Integration testing:The integration testing is type of software testing that verify the interfaces between components against a software design. The components of software could integrated in an repertation of process or together .The integration software testing will test to find the defects in the interfaces and interaction between integrated components. The large number of software tester groups will test all the elements of design of system and will test until the software works perfectly. System Testing:The system testing will tests the complete system to make sure the software fulfill all requirements. System Integration Testing:The system integration testing is that if any third party or external member wants to intergate with this system will be able to do and the system define the system requirements. Regression Testing:The Regression testing means the tester will focus on finding a defect after the major part of coding for some reasons has been changed.In this testing the software tester focus on old errors that could occur again.Those regressions happen whenever software functionality which was working before test but stops working after that.The regression happen when some code changes,for example when the newly built code of software collide with old code or existing code.The mane purpose of regession testing is that testing that software which has already been tested means retesting again whether the previously resolve fault may have come back.The fully testing is happen when software is in release phase and when there will be risk for developer will add some more features.The changes depends on early part of builting a software. Alpha Testing:The alpha testing is that which have been done by the end user ,customers or an independent means the actual user who is going to use this software will test this software at developers site.The alpha testing is normally done before the software will go sale or before handing to the shelf testing after this software will go for beta testing Beta Testing:The beta testing will take after alpha testing.The beta testing means that the software will release for limited people outside the developers to check the functionalty of software.The other purpose of testing is the further testing will take to find bugs or faults.sometimes the beta version of software will release to open public to get more feedback from maximum number of peoples. Security Testing:The security testing is most important for any software that process the personal details of customers data .The security is important to prevent system from hackers. Sample Testing Cycle There is commonly used cycle for testing.The below sample is very commonly used with in organisations which is using waterfall development model. Requirements analysis: This phase should begin in requirements phase of software development life cycle.In design phase tester work with software developer determine what design of software is testable. Test Planning: The test planning or test plan in this there will be many test taken so there should be plan for testing. Test Development:The test developer or Test procedures, test data, to use in testing software. Test Execution: The tester will execute the software based on plan and will report any bugs or errors to developer. Test Reporting: In this phase once the testing is completed then tester will make final report on their test which they have taken throw many phases and report will show whether the software is ready to release or not. Test result analysis: The test result analysis or Defect Analysis,is normally done by the developers with client and make them sure what defects should be treated.for example the software is working properly or it could be done later. Defect Retesting:In this phase once defect has dealt by developers than it will bw retested by testing team. Regression Testing: In any programe it is likely to have samll testing program built into software to test when user wants and it make sure when new development or fixed software and modfied will come to software will not disturb the software completely.The complete software will working properly. Test Clousure:After completeing all test and test fulfill the exit requirements than it is important to key outputd ,logs and documents related to software should kept safe for future development..

Waste Management Of A Fast Food Restaurant Environmental Sciences Essay

Waste Management Of A Fast Food Restaurant Environmental Sciences Essay Schroeder (2007) explains operations management is a part of business that is concerned with the production of goods and services, and employs the task of ensuring that business operations are efficient and effective. It is also concerned with the management of resources and the distribution of goods and services to customers. Naylor (2002) says that operations management is the study that focuses on the effective planning, scheduling, employing, and controlling of a manufacturing or service organisation with the help of concepts from quality management, production management, inventory management, accounting, and other functional areas as they affect the organisation. The organization is basically a fast food restaurant and it is not possible to completely eradicate the waste, but lot of waste is a problem. Minimisation is the best and most cost-effective solution by changing operational activities in the organization. The organization is basically a fast food restaurant and it is n ot possible to completely eradicate the waste, but lot of waste is a problem. Minimisation is the best and most cost-effective solution by changing operational activities in the organization. According to Dr Jones, an anthropologist at the University of Arizonas Bureau for Applied Research in Anthropology: Huge amounts of food are being wasted throughout the industry. A proportion of this waste is inevitable, but a large part of it can be eliminated and lead to increased profit, not only through cutting losses but also through increasing efficiency. The organization has adapted the principals of HACCP, hazard analysis critical control point, which the European Union has issued for food hygiene and to help adopt a risk based safety management system. This Regulation with no option has to be implemented in the fast food industries (EU, 2004). This prohibits the organization to use the expired food to be used because this is illegal in the eyes of law. The research looks at the decision of forecasting the overestimation of the food by the operation managers at times. This expired food can no longer be used and it turns into waste without providing any profit but just the loss to the organization. Thus, managers seek to balance the cost of carrying high stocks with the risk of waste or non-service after a stock out and should understand the importance of inventory management (Silver et al, 1998). Control can be expensive and invasive for those engaged in the tasks. The manager, therefore, must understand how control can be exercised as well as how much is needed (ibid). Operational activities need to be monitored and controlled so that they can achieve their targets in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and, where appropriate, equity (Wild, 1991). According to Johnston et al (2006), operations management is concerned with the production of good and services and it involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are effective and efficient. The seven principles of HACCP: 1. List of all potential hazards Few potential hazards are associated with each step, conduct a hazard analysis, and also consider any measures to control the identified hazards. The HACCP team should conduct a hazard analysis to identify the hazards and also to know which hazards are of such a nature that their elimination or reduction is essential to acceptable levels for the production of safe food. The following principles should be included in conducting the hazard analysis wherever possible: The likely occurrence of significant hazards The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards Multiplication of microorganisms is needed to be closely observed Production or continuous in foods of toxins, chemicals or physical agents. 2. Determine critical control points This step is used for the determination of critical control points in the production points in the production process. If this subsequent step further used in the production Process can eliminate the hazard or to reduce it to an acceptable level, if the answer is yes than we can say that it is not a CCP, if the answer is no then it is named as CCP. 3. Establish critical limits for each CCP Critical points are to be established for each product for the safety of the product. Critical limits are derived from scientific data, regulatory standards and guidelines. 4. Establish a monitoring system for each CCP Someone from the HACCP team needs to monitor the critical limit of the significant hazard. Monitoring can be done by measurement or observation; sample planning can be done by taking the samples. According Mortimore the most common measurements taken are Time access Temperature measurement PH measurement Moisture content 5. Establish corrective actions Corrective actions are established when the CCP is not within the established limits. The control of hazards is recovered by applying corrective actions. 6. Establish verification procedures Verification procedures should be established to know whether the system is working or not. This step determines the confirmation of all the above steps. According to Mortimore CCPs should be kept under control whenever possible to confirm the capacity of all elements of HACCP plan. 7. Establish documentation and record keeping According to Edelstein to demonstrate whether the HACCP system is working properly or not established record keeping and documentation procedures are necessary. Examples for records are corrective actions taken, CCP monitoring records and records of deviation. The management has to look towards the possible risks that might hinder the growth of the organisation which may be because of the operational inefficiencies. Managing risk is one of the primary objectives of the firms and mainly managers lack in anticipating variation or negative variation in business outcome variables such as revenues, costs, profit, market share, and so on (Miller, 1992). The concept of risk as performance variable is mainly used in operations, finance and strategic management terms which refers to variation in corporate outcomes or performance that can not be predicted (March and Shapira, 1987). Therefore, the researcher believes that the operational managers of KFC should review risks towards the brand image, market share and follow the ongoing activities and review and alter them, if required, to achieve the service outputs as determined by the organization for its future growth and survival and to get a competitive advantage over its rivals. DEFINITION OF WASTE It is hard to define waste because one person who thinks the object is waste may be the same object be valuable to some other person. According to EC waste framework directive of 1975 waste can be defined as Any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard (in the categories set out in Annex 1 of the directive). According to the German Act of August 27 1993 waste can be defined as, wastes are portable objects that have been abandoned by the owner. Waste was defined as any substance or object in the categories set out in the original Waste Framework Directive (waste framework directive 1975) Production or consumption residues not otherwise specified below Off- specification products Products whose date for appropriate use has expired Materials spilled, lost or having undergone other mishap, including any materials, equipment, etc., contaminated as a result of the mishap. Materials contaminated or soiled as a result of planned actions for example residues from cleaning operations, packing, materials, containers, etc. Unusable parts for example reject batteries, exhausted catalysts, etc Substances which no longer perform satisfactorily Residues of industrial processes Residues from pollution abatement processes for example spent filters, scrubber sludges. Machining or finishing residues Residues from raw material extraction processing for example oil field slops. Adulterated materials i.e. oils contaminated with PCBs, etc Any materials, substances or products resulting from remedial action with respect to land. Products for which the holder has no further use these include agricultural, household, office, commercial and shop discards etc. Contaminated materials, substances or products resulting from remedial action with respect to land. Any materials, substances or product which are not contained in the above categories. CLASSIFICATION OF WASTE Wastes are classified as solid, liquid and gaseous waste by taking their physical state into consideration. According White solid waste can further be classified by its original use like food waste and packaging waste, by materials we use like paper and glass, by physical properties as combustible, compostable, recyclable: by origin like household, commercial, agricultural and industrial waste and is also classified by safety levels like hazardous and non hazardous waste. Commercial waste: the solid waste generated by offices, restaurants, warehouses, institutions and non manufacturing activities at industrial facilities. Food waste: putrescible solid material including animal and vegetable waste resulting from handling, storage, sale, preparation, cooking, or serving of foods. Primarily food waste originates in home kitchens, stores, restaurants, and other places where normally food is stored, prepared, or served. Industrial waste: solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes, excluding waste resulting from oil or gas drilling, production and treatment operations; overburden, spoil, or tailings result from mining; or solution mining brine and insoluble component wastes. WASTE POLICIES AND STRATEGIES The system of waste management needs to be sustainable and likely to be integrated environmentally, economically and socially. The strategies include: Reducing the amount of waste generated Developing integrated waste management systems to handle the inevitable waste produced. Integrated waste management system combines waste streams, waste collection, treatment and disposal methods, with the objective achieving environmental benefits, economic optimisation and societal acceptability. This will lead to a practical waste management system for any specific reason. Five principles are recommended by EU for waste management Waste management hierarchy is the main intention of the European waste management policy. The first strategy is to prevent the generation of waste and also to reduce harm caused by it. Waste can be reused, recovered and to optimise the disposal finally. Producer responsibility: product manufactures also have an increased share in the responsibility of dealing with the waste that arises from their product. Self sufficiency in waste disposal facilities at regional, sub- regional and national levels. Proximity: waste should be disposed at a close point where it is being generated. Best available technique not entailing excessive costs: pollution should be prevented as much as possible, be reasonable to implement in financial terms. RESTAURANT AND WASTE Wastes from restaurants can be classified as solid waste by its physical state. It consists of different materials such as food waste, paper, plastic bottles, packaging waste etc. By origin waste generated from restaurant is included as commercial waste. Paper Paper was first produced by the Chinese minister of agriculture Tsai Luin in AD 105 And we can say that still it is the standard of communication between most offices ( waste watch 2004) Waste paper across Europe is marked into different categories based on the quality. Some of them are cardboard, newspapers, white office paper, brown paper bags, wraping papers. According to Williams, 2005 waste paper of low quality can be mainly used for packaging material and also this constitutes the main route for recycling paper and board. According to Murray, 1999 the best example for waste of waste is office paper in London. Packaging We can say the major component of the commercial waste stream is packaging waste. It normally includes paper and cardboard, plastics,glass, metals, food and drink cans or bottles. According to Department of the Environment and Welsh Office, 1995 the best environmental option which can be practised for packaging waste is to minimize the usage and reuse wherever possible, which may be followed by recovery by recycling or energy recovery. Plastics Plastics are the most hazardous problem in the world. A high proportion of waste is made by plastic polymers, the range and volume used is increasing day by day. According to Williams, 2005 bottles, plastic bags, foil wraps are the main cause for waste arising in the commercial waste stream. Plastic type Typical application 1.Thermoplastics High density polyethylene (HDPE) Low density poly ethylene (LDPE) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Polystyrene (PS) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Polypropylene (PP) Bottles for household chemicals, bottle caps, toys, house wares Bags, sacks, bin liners, squeezy bottles, cling film, containers Blister packs, food trays, bottles, toys, cable insulation, wallpaper, flooring, cling film Egg cartons yoghurt pots, drinking cups, tape cassettes Carbonated drink bottles, food packaging Margarine tubs, crisp packets, packaging film Office equipment Equipments used for offices generally includes printers, photocopiers, scanners, computers, printer cartridges, cables, fasteners such as pens, staples, drawing pins, paper, diskettes etc. The need for raw materials such as oil which is used in the making of plastics can be reduced by recycling. By reformatting the diskettes they can be reused. If one staple is saved by everyone in the offices of UK it is estimated that 72 tonnes of metal material can be saved every year( waste watch 2004). Food According to EC regulation No 178/2002 food can be defined as any substance or product, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be, or reasonably expected to be ingested by humans. Waste minimization Waste minimization can be defined as the reduction of waste at source, by understanding and changing processes to reduce and prevent waste. This is also known as process or resource efficiency. Waste minimization includes the substitution of less environmentally harmful materials in the production process. Waste minimization programme of an organisation or industry should be an organized, comprehensive and continual effort. The technique adopted for this can be broadly categorized as Source reduction and Recycling ( on-site and off-site) The final unavoidable waste can be treated and disposed. Minimizing the amount of things that are meant to be disposed by the owner mentions third least option of waste minimization. Source reduction Source reduction can be defined as any practice which reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal and reduces hazards to public health and the environment associated with their release. The National Recycling Coalition (NRC) defines source reduction as any action that avoids the creation of waste by reducing waste at the source, including redesigning of products or packaging so that less material is used, making voluntary or imposed behavioural changes in the use of materials or increasing durability or reusability of materials. This definition implies actions intended to encourage conservation of materials. Source Reduction Programme According to Sasikumar promoting source reduction is important because it conserves the resources, reduces disposal costs and pollution, and teaches conservation and prevention. It is a practical approach consisting of the following basic elements; Reduced material use in product manufacture Increased useful life of product through durability and reparability Decreased toxicity Material reuse Reduced/ more efficient consumer use of materials Increased production efficiency resulting in less production waste. It should be noted that focusing only on recycling might give the impression that recycling will take care of all our waste problems. Source reduction and recycling can be promoted simultaneously and can be recognized as the key component of integrated waste management. A special advantage of source reduction is that it offers several opportunities for cost savings such as: Direct savings Avoided waste collection, transportation, disposal costs Decreased pollution control, liability and regulatory compliance cost Reduced product and material use and disposal costs Why waste minimization is important Few reasons for importance of waste minimization Businesses are facing stricter regulatory requirements in the management transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste. The number of hazardous waste disposal facilities has decreased. There are greater restrictions in the use of landfills. Transportation and disposal costs are rising The long- term liability associated with handling and disposal of hazardous waste is substantial. Causes of waste generation The principal causes of waste generation are categorised in the following way Manufacturing / production Production planning Employee behaviour Economic factors Others Manufacturing / production Rejection for cosmetic reasons for example colour Machinery failures especially freezers Overfilling / short filling Packaging design can encourage over-purchase Requirement to show dates on product packaging, when the product could be sold unpackaged Process by-product Production planning Errors in demand forecasting and matching production to demand Impact of weather and extraordinary events Impact of price competition Retailers changing their mind at short notice Deliveries arrive too early Employee behaviour Operator error Lack of awareness of cost of waste disposal and value of the wasted food resource Sub- optimal segregation of reject between reuse and waste Deliberate damage by disaffected employees Theft Economic factors Cost of repackaging Commercial viability of redistribution Geographical constraints on redistribution Others Cancelled promotions Product packaging trials Corporate liquidations Waste management methods The methods used for managing food waste Land disposal: includes all landfill activities plus lagoon disposal and deep injection to borehole when these are used as disposal methods. Land recovery: includes spreading waste on land and surface injection( of organic waste for beneficial treatment of agricultural land), and disposal of waste to land under provisions of waste licensing exemption. Re-use: covers only wastes that go off-site re-use excludes materials which are re-used on-site(i.e. fed back into manufacturing process). Recycling: like re-use, includes only waste that go off-site including materials such as oils and solvents which may be regenerated or re-defined. Thermal: covers incineration with and without energy recovery and the production of waste derived fuel also includes more specialised forms of recovery such as pyrolysis and gasification. Treatment: covers all physico-chemical and biological treatment including anaerobic digestion and composting. Transfer: used for wastes which do not go directly to final disposal, treatment or recovery, these wastes go through a transfer process and may be bulked -up prior to recycling, treatment or disposal in order to reduce transport costs. BENEFITS OF WASTE MINIMIZATION Long- term benefits can be provided by waste minimization. It can assist the attainment of, and improvement on, regulatory requirements firstly. Secondly, it can also provide a company with opportunities to improve profitability by: Realizing specific economic benefits; Reducing liabilities; Promoting a positive public image; Improving the health and safety of employees; Increasing operating efficiency and hence reducing production costs. The implementation of a waste minimization project is likely to incur additional capital investment, which may be rewarded by benefits such as: Reduced on-site waste monitoring, control and treatment costs; Reduced handling, pre-treatment, transport and off-site disposal costs; Reduced waste storage space, thereby creating more space for productive operations; Reduced administrative and paperwork costs associated with waste disposal; Reduced analytical costs for the identification and characterization of specific waste streams; Reduced production costs, including reduced raw material, energy and utility requirements; Reduced risks from handling hazardous materials and hence improved health and safety for employees; Reduced risks for the environment, manifested by the reduction or elimination of liability charges; Reduced risk of breaching authorization, consent or licence conditions and hence reduced risk of prosecution; Improved operating efficiency and process reliability; Improved company image in the eyes of shareholders, employees and the community. Waste minimization projects do not inevitably bring about benefits for occupational health and safety. If the initial generation of waste is reduced then clearly the risks arising from it will certainly be reduced. According to the British marine federation the waste minimization include Cost savings- production costs can be reduced through improved resource efficiency Compliance- a proactive approach ensures that the company minimizes the possibility of litigation and can anticipate requirements of new legislation. Risk reduction- control and reduction of risks and liabilities not only reduce the likelihood of fines and bad publicity but can also boost investor confidence. Market positioning- eco-friendly products can give supply chain confidence and improve customer relations. ABOUT KFC AND POSSIBLE WASTES AT RESTAURANT We can say that KFC is one of the leading organisations in the fast food sector. The annual budget of the restaurant will be nearly 30 millions. Waste generated by the restaurant A lot of food is wasted in the restaurant daily, which may be sometimes due to overproduction. And also food is wasted when the customer returns back with the food saying they didnt like or its not fresh. The food wastage also occurs when the member of staff could not handle it properly during the time of packing. The wastage which can be given second place after the food waste in restaurant is dipping sauces wastage. A lot of paper in the office is also wasted in the form of packing bags and food wrappers. HIERARCHIES OF WASTE MANAGEMENT The various waste management options can be placed in an order known as the waste management hierarchy, which reflects the relative sustainability of each. One of the key principles underlying waste management policy in the UK is to ensure that waste is dealt with as high up the waste management hierarchy as possible. Since all waste disposal options have some impact on the environment, the only way to avoid impact is not to produce waste in the first place, and waste reduction is therefore at the top of the hierarchy. Reuse, followed by recycling and composting follow, while disposal to landfill or by incineration, the worst options, are at the bottom of the hierarchy. The waste management hierarchy can be defined as a set of five options in general dealing with waste. We can say that waste hierarchy is an interpretation of Reduce- Reuse- Recycle. According to sashikumar waste is an inevitable by-product of society. Society must take necessary steps that waste is disposed or recovered without any risk. East European developed waste legislation outlines hierarchy of waste management and principles. Waste management of hierarchy which identifies management options based on their desirability. sashikumar says that one of the most desirable option is waste minimization and prevention of waste generation. The directive requires governments to apply five principles in waste management. The principle of best available technology not involving excessive cost The principle of proximity of treatment and disposal to the source of waste. The principle of self sufficiency in waste disposal Application of polluter pays principle to the disposal of waste to ensure that the cost of waste disposal is borne by the producer-holder Duty of care for producers of waste Waste prevention Reducing the amount or pollution potential of municipal solid waste and the other waste produced in a given area is a preventive action, which means that it is fundamentally different function to waste management proper. It is to be noted that reducing the amount of waste offers many potential benefits such as: Fewer environmental problems with waste management Lower waste management costs Increased conservation More efficient use of resources Increased public confidence in industry and government. Waste reduction One of the most important objectives of the waste management plan has to be prevention and minimization of waste going to the treatment and landfill. The minimization of quantities of waste being treated and disposed to landfills is a challenge that may be addressed through the implementation of an integrated waste management system, which is based on following principles: Prevention and minimization of waste generation Provision of a recycling infrastructure Separate source collection of recyclable components of municipal solid waste Centralized separation of recyclables for mixed waste. Prevention Reuse Recycling Other recovery Disposal Prevention- measures taken before a substance, material or product has become waste, that reduce (a) the quantity of waste, including through the re-use of products or the extension of the life span of products; (b) the adverse impacts of the generated waste on the environment and human health; or (c) the content of harmful substances in materials and products. Re- use- checking, cleaning or repairing recovery operations, by which products or components of such products that have become waste are prepared so that they can be re-used without any other pre-processing Recycling Any recovery operation by which waste materials are reprocessed into products, materials or substances whether for the original or other purposes includes the reprocessing of organic material, but not energy recovery or the reprocessing into materials that are to be used as fuels or backfilling operations Other recovery it normally includes energy recovery

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Intertwined Themes of Margaret Atwoods Dancing Girls Essay -- Margare

The Intertwined Themes of Margaret Atwood's Dancing Girls  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dancing Girls is a collection of Margaret Atwood's short stories. Each story captures a different aspect of society, different people of different ages, culture and status, with different attitudes, emotions and behavior; all in different locations and life circumstances. Yet there are many connections between the stories and these links are primarily found in Atwood's portrayal of women. As Atwood says: By and large my novel's center on women...None of them are about miners in the mines, seamen on the sea, convicts in the jail, the boys in the backroom, the locker rooms at the football game†¦How come? Well, gee, I don't know! Maybe because I am a woman and therefore I find it easier to write as one.    Each story focuses on a different female character and explores her thoughts and her reactions to her social environment. Throughout the collection of stories there are a number of underlying themes that reveal Atwood's insight and understanding of why men and women are different. These themes include the questionable definitions of femininity proposed in society, the idea of escapism through fantasy and the conflict that exists between men and women. One concept Atwood explores to explain the differences between men and women is simply that there are biological differences between each gender. This difference is highlighted throughout a number of the stories, significantly in "Giving Birth". Atwood comments that for women there is some salvation from a male dominated society in that, through the process of giving birth a woman is allowed some connection with her body which men simply cannot experience. They still have some connection with their o... ... capable of seeing connections between apparently disparate circumstances. Ingersoll-Earl.G., Margaret Atwood: Conversations, Virago Press, London, 1992, pg. 195 Ibid., pg.17 Atwood-Margaret., Dancing Girls, Vintage, London, 1996, pg. 225 Ibid., pg. 227 Ibid., pg. 229 Ibid., pg. 229 Ibid., pg. 240 Ibid., pg. 239 Ibid., pg. 239 Ingersoll-Earl.G., op. cit., pg.141 Ibid., pg. 142 Aspin-Lois.J., Focus on Australian Society, Longman, Australia, 1996, pg. 14 Ingersoll-Earl.G., op. cit., pg. 102 Atwood-Margaret, op. cit., pg. 63 Ibid., pg. 69 Ibid., pg. 69 Ibid., pg. 69 Ibid., pg. 131 Ibid., pg. 138 Ibid., pg. 143 Ingersoll-Earl.G., op. cit., pg. 32 Ibid., pg. 31 Ibid., pg. 245 Atwood-Margaret, op. cit., pg. 98 Ibid., pg. 98 Ibid., pg. 87    Intertwined Themes of Margaret Atwood's Dancing Girls Essay -- Margare The Intertwined Themes of Margaret Atwood's Dancing Girls  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dancing Girls is a collection of Margaret Atwood's short stories. Each story captures a different aspect of society, different people of different ages, culture and status, with different attitudes, emotions and behavior; all in different locations and life circumstances. Yet there are many connections between the stories and these links are primarily found in Atwood's portrayal of women. As Atwood says: By and large my novel's center on women...None of them are about miners in the mines, seamen on the sea, convicts in the jail, the boys in the backroom, the locker rooms at the football game†¦How come? Well, gee, I don't know! Maybe because I am a woman and therefore I find it easier to write as one.    Each story focuses on a different female character and explores her thoughts and her reactions to her social environment. Throughout the collection of stories there are a number of underlying themes that reveal Atwood's insight and understanding of why men and women are different. These themes include the questionable definitions of femininity proposed in society, the idea of escapism through fantasy and the conflict that exists between men and women. One concept Atwood explores to explain the differences between men and women is simply that there are biological differences between each gender. This difference is highlighted throughout a number of the stories, significantly in "Giving Birth". Atwood comments that for women there is some salvation from a male dominated society in that, through the process of giving birth a woman is allowed some connection with her body which men simply cannot experience. They still have some connection with their o... ... capable of seeing connections between apparently disparate circumstances. Ingersoll-Earl.G., Margaret Atwood: Conversations, Virago Press, London, 1992, pg. 195 Ibid., pg.17 Atwood-Margaret., Dancing Girls, Vintage, London, 1996, pg. 225 Ibid., pg. 227 Ibid., pg. 229 Ibid., pg. 229 Ibid., pg. 240 Ibid., pg. 239 Ibid., pg. 239 Ingersoll-Earl.G., op. cit., pg.141 Ibid., pg. 142 Aspin-Lois.J., Focus on Australian Society, Longman, Australia, 1996, pg. 14 Ingersoll-Earl.G., op. cit., pg. 102 Atwood-Margaret, op. cit., pg. 63 Ibid., pg. 69 Ibid., pg. 69 Ibid., pg. 69 Ibid., pg. 131 Ibid., pg. 138 Ibid., pg. 143 Ingersoll-Earl.G., op. cit., pg. 32 Ibid., pg. 31 Ibid., pg. 245 Atwood-Margaret, op. cit., pg. 98 Ibid., pg. 98 Ibid., pg. 87   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Harley - Davidson Inc. Motorcycle Industry :: essays research papers

Harley - Davidson Inc. Motorcycle Industry INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to develop a strategic corporate objective for HarleyDavidson Inc., a publicly traded, employee owned manufacturer of heavyweight motorcycles, recreational and commercial vehicles, military defense items, and small engines, distributing its products to domestic and international markets targeting all men and women of all ages. INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIVE MARKET The industry under study is the motorcycle industry consisting of five major manufacturers: one American (Harley Davidson), and four Japanese (Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki) and some European companies (mainly BMW of Germany and some other Italian companies). Most companies market their motorcycles and accessories on a worldwide basis, handling international trade through foreign distributors and domestic sales through franchised outlets. Industry sales of motorcycles were shrinking in the early l990s because of the recession and the competition from computers and electronic products decreasing consumers' discretionary income. Sales of accessories and parts make up 36% of total retail sales and is a viable area for producers to explore because people want something to differentiate their bikes. Previously, motorcycles were viewed as a cheap means of transportation. By 1992, they came to be viewed as a recreational, or a luxury item. This new perception of motorcycles led to the introduction of more expensive models with higher prices. This led to the introduction of consumer financing, one of the fastest growing service areas in the motorcycle industry. MISSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harley's strategic objective is to continue to provide safe, high technology heavyweight bikes and keep customer satisfaction at high levels. This quality vision more than doubled Harley's market share and increased its brand loyalty. EXTERNAL PLANNING PREMISES CUSTOMERS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They can be divided into 2 categories men and women. Men.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Men under 30. This group accounts for 44% of all sales. Therefore, a great opportunity exists here because of the group's size. This group's members buy motorcycles for their transportation and recreation needs. Men in this group buy more of mopeds, scooters and entry level lightweight road bikes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Men between 30 and 50. This age group makes up 45k of buyers another large area providing opportunities for firms. The motorcycles most frequently purchased are the heavyweight tourers and cruisers. Many buyers are married couples looking for an alternative to taking the car out for weekend drives to the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Men over 50. This group accounts for about 11% of motorcycle sales. The heavyweight touring class and the middleweight road bike categories account for most of the sales here. Women. This group is a segment that is growing at a fast rate, thereby representing an opportunity area. Firms to be successful here are to provide smaller, easier to handle, comfortable, and good quality bikes to build up brand

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Free College Essays - The Power of a Single Act of Iniquity in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Scarlet Letter: The Power of a Single Act of Iniquity The world of Puritan New England, like the world of today, was filled with evil temptations. Some people were able to withstand these temptations; unfortunately, many others fell victim to the evil. A single act of iniquity was sufficient to devastate a person's life. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester, Chillingworth, and Dimmesdale were each destroyed mentally and physically by one diabolical act that mushroomed to overcome their lives. Hester's life was the one which most externally displayed the destruction inflicted upon it by wrong-doing. Physically, she "stood on the scaffold of pillory, an infant on her arm, and the letter 'A' in scarlet, fantastically embroidered with gold thread upon her bosom" (The Scarlet Letter 66). Because of the "A", the entire community knew she had sinned, and she became a social outcast. In her attempts to pay penance for her sins, she lived a life of poverty, donating most of her income to charity. However, even the most lowly and wretched of the creatures in Boston, which she helped, "not unfrequently insulted the hand that fed them" (87). Furthermore she left behind her beauty and elaborate dress for a dress of the "coarsest materials and the most sombre hue" (86). Hester's sin also harmed her mind and soul. The joy she found in knitting, "like all other joys, she rejected it as a sin" (87). Also, she suffered each time she saw Dimmesdale. A mutual love remained between them, but they could not show the love. Even a brief encounter with Dimmesdale, the father of her daughter, would cause "a deeper throb of pain; for, in that brief interval, she had sinned anew" (89). Moreover, at one point, she had begun to lose faith in the fact that her daughter was human. She began to believe the sayings of townspeople who "had given out that poor little Pearl was a demon offspring" (100). Hence her body and mind suffered greatly for her sin of adultery. Roger Chillingworth's life was also destroyed by his evil. The most noticeable of his changes was the degradation of his physical appearance. When he was first seen in the novel, "there was a remarkable intelligence in his features, as of a person who had so cultivated his mental part that it could not fail to mould the physical to itself and become manifest by unmistakable tokens" (67).

English Literature, the Secret Life of Sir Walter Mitty-James Thurber

Secret Life of Walter Mitty- James Thurber By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan Author of: Language and writing, DSB Publication Thimphu Communicative English, P. K. Books, Calicut A perception on Literary Criticism, P. K. Books, Calicut   -A popular American writer, humourist and cartoonist. -A classical story. -Traditional realistic fiction. -A third person narration. Mixture of fantasy and realism. -Can be called a best example of magical realism. -Explores the concept of the â€Å"American Dream†. -Introduces an average American male namely Mr. Mitty. Average Americans try to escape from the world of reality and â€Å"try to live in the world of fantasy†. To make life a successful one, one should keep a balance between reality and fantasy. It is difficult to live always in the world of reality and also it will be impracticable to fly always from the world of reality and resort always there in fantasy.As Robert Frost said in h is eminent poem â€Å"Birches† one should be a swinger of the Birches therefore keep balance between reality and fantasy. Otherwise life will be painful and will be a total failure. Day dreams are equal to Mitty, Mitty escapes from his mundane life (dull and uninteresting) by resorting to elaborate fantasies. The name Walter Mitty has become synonymous for day dreams. Mitty becomes a symbol for a person who enriches his private life with dynamic day dreams while working or while listening to every day conversations. Story focuses on escapism from mundane life into the world of fantasies.The theme of success and failures in life is examined through Mitty? s inability to live an external life, which results in going back to an internal life full of dangers and heroism. -Stereotypical male and female roles. Mrs. Mitty appears as a practical woman (women are more practical than men in America). This aspect of women? s character is established in the story. Man has become weak ine ffectual and overly in aggressive. 1. Five day dreams of Mitty. 1. In the first day dream, which comes in the outset of the story Mitty is presented as the Pilot of US navy hydroplane. 2.In the Second day dream, Mitty is a wonderful doctor performing a serious surgery (appears as a world famous author of a medical book titled â€Å"Streptothricosis†). -An expert mechanic to solve any problem within no time. -Even not worried when he hears from the team of doctors that „A coreopsis? is formed on Mr. McMillan the patient. 3. In the third day dream Mitty is presented as a sharp shooter, a cool assassin, a convict who faces a great trail. 4. In the fourth day dream, Mitty is presented as a Royal Air force pilot -volunteering for a suicide mission to the ammunition dump and proudly says ?We have only one life?. 5 In the fifth day dream, Mitty is presented as an eminent soldier fearlessly facing a firing squad –inscrutable, disdain and proud to the last. 2. -Five trigg ers that stimulate Mr. Mitty. 1. Mitty? s speed of the car above 55 km/phr. 2. Mrs. Mitty? s reference about Dr. Renshaw; hospital, Mrs. Mitty? s enquiry about „? gloves. 3. Newspaper boy shouting at the top of his voice about the water Bury trail. 4. â€Å"Liberty† magazine with glossy pictures of war. 5. Smoke goes up from the cigarette. 3. Mitty brought back into reality by1. His wife? s timely intervene when Mr.Mitty was driving his car above 55km/phr speed (Mitty was in hydroplane). 2. Parking -lot attendant warns Mitty when he is driving his car in wrong lane (Mitty was imagining he is a great doctor). 3. Sudden remembrance of â€Å"Puppy biscuits† (Mitty was in the imaginary scene of trail). 4. Mitty is brought back by his wife (Mitty imagines that he is a member of a suicide squad). Mitty with his wings of fantasy moves in the realms of fantasy-story ends here, story begins and ends in fantasy, so Mitty appears as an unchanged character. By P. Baburaj, Se nior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, BhutanMitty is presented as an ineffectual person criticized and rebuked by others, he feels he is insulted by his inability to do things properly. His Failures in everyday life is just opposed by the extraordinary successes he plays out in his world of fantasy. His failure in real life and success in the world of fantasy are closely connected with gender role (sex roles) in modern America. The story reveals the lack of opportunities for men to perform meaningful, heroic actions in modern, suburban, middle class America. Men in modern America become weak and ineffectual in front of overly aggressive women.By the characterization of Mitty, James Thurber tries to criticize and mock the modern western ladies who dominate their husband in every walk of life. MITTY IN FANTASY v/sMitty in the world of reality. -He is a hero /heroic in action -Noble in action -Imaginative – An escapist -Man of forgetfulness – Weak/meek. -A s uperman /An extreme risk taker. -He always feels inferior. – Lacks competency -A man of decision. – Dependent. -A resourceful person. – feels sorry for everything. -Absent minded. -Giving orders. -Man of indecision waiting for orders. -Aware everything. -Even unable to park a car properly/chain properly. poor memory. -Not practical -Independent/ Never listens to others -Never mind the consequence. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan . -Powerful in flying Hydroplane. -Great author. – a great mechanic finds out fault within no time. -Bold in admitting. -Man of truthfulness. -A patriot ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his country. -The theme of success and failure in life is evaluated through Mitty? s inability to live a successful material life, which results him to retreat to a life of fantasy full of images of conquests. Mitty is portrayed as an unaffected rebuked by others –He feels insulted by hi s inability to do things properly. -The failure of his everyday life is just opposed by the extraordinary success he plays in his fantasy life. -In reality Mitty is a man of poor or limited achievement. Mrs. Mitty -Always bully her husband. -Dominating wife. -Worried about Mitty? s health and even notices the small changes. -Always appear as an adviser. -Responsible wife. -Aggressive and short tempered. -Behaves in a rough and merciless manner. Climax -no climax, or no particular climax. since story presents with a story within the story no clear beginning or end. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan -action slowly rises and slowly falls throughout. -no change in Mitty? s character. -Mrs. Mitty is Mr. Mitty? s link to reality. She helps Mitty to avoid losing his grasp of everyday life. -Mitty? s day dreams are harmless but when he awakens he finds himself in anawkward position and finds difficulty to adjust with the reality. Conflicts Internal -Mitty in the real world V/s Mitty in the world of fantasy. External -Mitty v/s his wife. Mitty v/s society (especially his struggles to follow conventional social norms). Fantasy: -eightengined hydroplane is used in the first fantasy by Mitty. In utmost care of class 12 by P Baburaj -in thefirst fantasy ,Mrs. Mitty complains about the speed of the car. -crew members expressesMitty as great and brave and not afraid of hell (death). -Car was in 55km/hr speed. I -Mrs. Mitty went to do her hair done during Mitty? s second fantasy. -patient in second fantasy- Millionaire Wellington McMillan, the great Banker and friend of Roosevelt, famous American president. -team of doctors headed by Dr. Mitty –Dr.Renshaw, Dr. Benbow, Dr. Remington, and Dr. Pritchard Mitford. -Dr. Pritchard Mitford appreciates Mitty for his book on Streptothricosis. -Mitty puts a fountain pen instead of a faulty piston in order to repair the anaesthetizer. – Webley-Vickcrs 50-80 –the brand name of Mitty? s gun in the third fantasy. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan Meanings -Mitty- means –an ordinary, often an ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic day dream of personal triumphs. -Walt- someone who has aspiration to become a soldier, but posses none of the necessary personal qualities. Cocky- to be proud of one self. -A&P- name of a chain of grocery stores. Aupres de Ma Blonde- a song popular among the soldiers in world war I. -Cannonading –continuous firing of cannons. – Carburundum –a trade mark of abrasive chemical not something Mitty would actually need. -Obstreosis of the dual tract; meaningless medical Jargon invented by Mitty. -Streptothricosis- a sore on the skin, title of Mitty? s Book, medical Jargon misused by Mitty. -Overshoes –the shoes worn over another for protection. â€Å"I am going to take your temperature Mrs.Mitty implies that she is going to give a lesson after reaching h ome-this shows that Mrs. Mitty is a dominating and all powerful wife taking control over Mr. Mitty. -„To hell with the handkerchief ? -the courage of Mitty even in the face of great danger, he is powerful enough to face any firing squad without covering his face with his handkerchief. -Inscrutable to the last-it means in this context the mysterious nature of Mr. Mitty, real meaning is- it cannot be understood or known fully till the end. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan *********************